Saturday, November 13, 2010

My first post: why the title?

This is my first "official" blog post.  I have blogged before in more closed circuits but never "out in the open." Twitter was the next step, and the final push came from Michele check her blog here, who was our instructor in the just finished Building Online Community using Social Media course by @One Institute. So I went to Blogger, set up my blog and...was asked about a title. 
Now that took me some time. I did not want to use "musings," "reflections," or other appropriate words, as I tend to do things always differently and often inappropriately. If I wanted to reflect myself, I would have chosen "Pippi Longstocking's random thoughts" as I really like her rebellious character. I thought about something with the word "accidental" in it, but if by any chance this blog becomes more professional I would prefer to have a title suggesting its defined and focused nature.
So I stepped back and thought what would be the main topic(s) I would blog about, and decided it would be science education. And science. Or education in general. In science I will muse about science in general, a lot about microbiology, maybe a bit about cancer or diabetes, or things that catch my attention such as how cats drink. I have a cat and I love cats but I still have my doubts about the significance of this line of research. Ok I just reread it- it may have significance for the evolution of mammalian feeding and to address swallowing disorders. Good. I am still delighted that research in comparative physiology of running mammals would contribute to the book  Born to Run and the whole barefoot running movement. 
Because that is part of the "other beasts" section.  I reserve the right to muse once in a while about my other interests: trail running, cooking, gardening, photography, traveling in general, non-violence, music, and many others. 
I am writing this while baking a pumpkin bread (from Trader Joe's, a no-brainer), making a risotto, looking up information about Pulse Wave measurements as part of a Physiology lab I just tried this morning, reading Michele's post about not lecturing anymore, and thinking about how to set up my first wiki :) And here is a picture of Pippi my hero:


  1. You're off an running! Have fun and enjoy the ride!
    -Michelle Pacansky-Brock

  2. Best wishes from Caracas, and best of luck for your blog. Regards, Felix @ftapia
